About Us

About Hajjam

online barber service in Karachi.
The startup aims at providing this barber service with the convenience of proximity. Now your need for urgent grooming can be satiated without having to take a step outside your home. Establishing the first of its kind service, its co-founders aim to bring a technological component to this industry.

“We want to break the tradition of hours and hours of one’s time going into travelling to and from barbers, waiting in queues, when this time can just as well be spent with your family. If Uber has brought ease in mobility and Zameen dot com has digitized the real estate industry, why not start looking for ways of overcoming other unnecessary time inefficiencies in daily routines”, said CEO and Co-Founder of Hajjaam.PK

The vision of Hajjaam.PK targets health and safety and is in line with the social responsibility needs of the current times. Understanding how our economic system limits provisions for Senior Citizens and people who require special assistance, Hajjaam.PK is on a mission to treat them equally but provide them with the benefits of reduced costs with high quality and hygienic services. It is a way of restructuring the grooming industry such that customer ease becomes the core of the business model.

Now, looking good is just a click of a button away.



Nothing like a beard and a proper haircut makes a man look stylish. I appresiate your help with my hair. Your products do really make wonders to it. Professional staff is the key to a barbershop’s success. Keep it up.

Ali Raza Abid

Operations Manager

I love how you treat your customers. You guys are great! Thanks you your amazing staff I have this awesome look that makes everyone jealous. It matters when you give advice and share your opinion. Thanks again, you rock.

Saleem Ali


Wow, it looks nice! I was really happy when one of my friends referred me to you. No I am happy that I have used some of your premium products and feel absolutely great. Your barbers are the best. Wish you more customers.

Nomi K

Web Engineer